Tuesday, February 28, 2012


I don't have anything very inspirational to write today... Its been a very busy last month and a half. I am exhausted! Even if I get 4 good nights in a row, by evening, I'm ready to hit the hay! But with saying that, I am amazed at how Kalia is adjusting. She is one courageous little girl. We cannot imagine our lives without her.

We went to parent teacher interviews for Kobe today. His teacher is a blessing that I could not have hand picked better myself. She uplifts him daily and loves him, along with all her other students. She told us today how when she does her morning routine with the class, which is devotion and prayer time, she always emphasizes to them how this is important. Everything else in school and play is great, but God is on top of everything. Thank you. You are such an example and hero to my son. He will look up to you and remember what you taught him.. always.

Also this week we registered our little girl for kindergarten. This gives me a lot of mixed emotions. She will love it, and we will enjoy seeing her delight in what she learns. But she was just a baby with attitude and now shes a little girl, beautiful little girl might I add, who has been Mommy's sidekick for quite some time. I'm going to miss her like crazy.

And this is the life of us.

Monday, February 6, 2012

So I've had a few people on my case to blog again. Here it goes!

A lot has changed and a lot has not. I am still the mother of my children, I still am not the most patient person, although I would like to think its getting better. The reason for my new leaf is our newest addition, Kalia. And I cannot thank God enough for giving Jake and myself the wonderful gift of being her mommy and daddy!! We were to the point where our family felt... well... complete. A boy and girl that make my everyday. What more could I ask for. If you know me, I ask for a lot more, because I'm humanly selfish, but I was for the most part content and our children were to the point of much Independence. And then the phone rang.
"You have been matched... Merry Christmas!!!"
OH MY WORD!!! REALLY? US? I could go on and on and on...

To make a very long, in depth story short, we met her on Jan 13/12. We were smitten! Meant to be? I would like to think so. After meeting her only a short time, we couldn't imagine our lives without her. My only regret is not being there for her since birth, although there is not anything we could or can do about it, I wish we could have. She is learning to trust us. Almost daily we can see small things that are changing in her little but very smart mind. It will probably be some time before she is sure that we are not going to leave, but I like to think that it won't take long, and we assure her of this every chance we get. Kobe has done amazing with the transition, she adores him and follows him around. He is so good with her and it blesses Mommy's heart! Ellie has felt her place being taken away, and it pains me to see her hurt, but daily the two of them are becoming closer and sibling rivalry is normal so... haha. Ellie is my helper, and she would love to do everything for Kalia also. Kalia is an independent 2 year old with a mind of her own. Clash!! It'll come. There is so much more where this came from but I think my baby is gonna be awake any moment. I will share more in the future!