Friday, August 12, 2011

Having Faith

I haven't written for a while. Partly due to a busy summer, and in part due to a season of my life. My heart does this; sometimes open, sometimes shut. I've come to the conclusion that it is a coping mechanism. And its interesting, if you find ways of coping interesting, that I have no control over it. Who would have thunk it. Anyway, just thought I'd try to explain myself, and my "no new post".

So in other news, today I thought I'd share a little bit of that half open heart of mine:)
This may sound like a strange thought to share, but have you ever thought that you love your children so much, you almost wish you hadn't had them? Remember, I said almost. I've been watching the news with my husband a lot lately and see the shit that goes on in this world and I wonder if I have the tools, knowledge, ability and strength to get them ready to live their lives! It scares me to no end!!! And then, I remember that even in our little safe "hamlet", we will encounter many hurdles.... eg. racism, ignorance, and just normal growing up hurts (emotional & physical & spiritual) oh man, I could go on & on. But to clarify, I would give my life for my children, just like I'm sure you all would, but when I think about this, I wonder if I'm cut out for it. My biggest fear is that something may happen one day where they will hurt, and I will break, and as some of my besties know, that doesn't fit into my bubble! (my bubble; I'll tell you all about it some other time ;))

And then I remember..... He went through this all! He went through it worse than anyone. He is my tool. He gives the knowledge. He is my strength. Even when I have to convince my heart that He will see our family through. And as comforting as that thought is... its still there. I guess that's where my faith isn't where it should be, or what makes me human, although I realize that is not an excuse.

Philippians 4:4-7
Rejoice in the Lord always, I will say it again, rejoice. Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Growing up, my parents had a poster in our bathroom. There was a picture of a Rabbit with a carrot in front of it. Underneath it said "Be anxious for nothing". Easier said than done. But when I read the rest I remember that I don't give everything over to Him. In fact, I do quite the opposite sometimes, somehow convincing myself and its up to me. So may the peace that only He can offer guard my heart as a momma, and guard my precious children as we journey through life. Until we reach our final destination. And thankfully even this verse tells us that it will transcend our understanding, so I guess trying to make sense of it all is a waste of time :) Faith! Have Faith!!!!

Goodnight everyone :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Everyday Life/Forever in Him

Priorities. Time. Words. Life.
What in the world am I doing?
Sometimes I seriously don't know!

Why can't I be the mother who loves to sit and play? Why don't I appreciate the little, dirty helping hands in my kitchen? Why does the question "Why?" annoy the crap outta me when I hear it 50 times a day?

My babies are sleeping right now. There truly is not a more perfect scene than a life that you would give your life for, sleeping so peacefully and purely. So often at the end of the day, after prayers, little chats, stories and rocking, I wonder what I have done for them that day that has prepared them for Him kingdom. And I know that "His Kingdom" is the point. So I wonder why its so hard to remember that during the day.

God, show me Your patience. Let me find Your hand during the moments where I need something to grab onto. Thank you that You are their Father, so that when I fail, You are standing. Tomorrow is a new day, and help me to see the same blessings in the "not so perfect mothering moments" that I see when I am loving on them. They are my children, and I love them more with each breath. Thank you for them Jesus!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thank you Dad

Psalms 103:13
As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him;

My dad.... how can I put my love for him into words....

My dad has been an example to me my entire life. Although he isn't perfect, when I think of men of God, I think of dad.

Growing up I had a bit of a self esteem problem. Ya, bet you can hardly believe that! I was the biggest kid in the family, and always thought I was fat. My brother and sisters loved to read and write and did really good in school. I liked to play and talk and the first book I read was an Archie comic, which I was quite proud of! I still remember him taking me for a walk, and reinforcing how wonderful I was, just the way God made me. He told me that I should try in school, but it didn't matter if I didn't get the highest grades, he was proud of me and my attitude and heart were a lot more important to him than anything else. It hurt him that I didn't like the way I looked, and he always affirmed my beauty. In fact, I still feel beautiful in his eyes:) Thank you dad!

My dad is my safety net. I could always run to him and I knew he would hold me. Even if not literally, as I grew from a child into a crazy teenager, I so often needed him. I cannot count how many tears he wiped from my eyes. I remember coming home when I was about 16. I had an awful evening, and I was a wreck. He came into my room because he knew something was wrong and just sat beside me wiping my tears and it meant the world to me. I didn't need to explain anything, he didn't ask. I just needed affirmation that I was loved, that he cared, and that's exactly what he did. Thank you dad.

My dad was sooo strong. He never cried. There are a few times I remember him going through hard times and It hurt my heart so bad. I wished I could take it all away and I hated seeing him like that. At my dads mom funeral, I remember leaning on my dad, his arm was around me. I didn't really know what was going on. I watched a tear fall from his eye, hit his cheek and then land on his shirt. I will always remember that tear. From that young age I wanted to protect him too, and I couldn't.

Growing up I had a healthy fear of my dad. I didn't get away with everything I wanted to. But what I remember the most is how even if I thought he was out to lunch on why I was in trouble, in the back of my mind I knew he wanted the best for me and that he wasn't doing this to bring me down. And usually I knew he was right, although I didn't often let that on :) I knew the reason I couldn't do whatever I wanted was because he cared so deeply. Thank you dad.

My dad doesn't judge me. He loves me for me. He has sly smiles when I still sneak chocolate from their pantry. He lets me bang on their piano while he plays with my kids. He does just about anything I ask him to do for me, and I ALWAYS know I can count on him. He is my hero.

My dad has always been my strength. When I didn't know where to go, I went to him. I think that is why it has been so hard in the last year and a half to try to be there for him. Watching his pain has broken my heart over and over. Thinking back to the day God took Bobbi home, (which I cannot do very often), it was my dad that I ran to. He probably didn't need that, and yet he held me. Literally, he held me, at that moment I needed him more than ever before and he did not push me away when he so easily could have. I didn't want anyone else. It was my dad. And I've never thought of that until now, maybe that's why my tears are flowing as I write this. Thank you dad.

There is so much more I could write about him. The wonderful example he has given me is something hard to live up. The husband he has been to mom. The grandpa he is. His relationship with God and his ability to explain anything to me is amazing. The only thing that sometimes comes into the way is his big words, like I said, I didn't read much ;) His understanding of the bible, and his freedom in Christ. His love for me.

I will always cherish you dad. I love you more than you know. I thank God for picking me to be your daughter. I am blessed.

Happy Fathers Day Dad!!!


Thursday, June 9, 2011


So I'm having one of those days where things kinda feel like they're slowly falling into place. Not everything. But some things. Its a good feeling! It totally gives me a renewed attitude towards my children, which I'm thankful for. Sometimes it feels like everyday comes, just to get through and wait for night. I don't think that's what God intended life to be.
I often wonder if I'm normal or completely off.

"So I commend the enjoyment of life, because nothing is better for a man under the sun than to eat and drink and be glad. Then joy will accompany him in his work all the days of the life God has given him under the sun."

Ecclesiastes 8:15 NIV

Isn't that the way it should be? I get that crap happens. Trust me, I do. I know that hardships, pain, frustration and many other issues will obviously get us down. I also know that sometimes it will be near impossible to get up from these situations for some time. I get that there are things some people endure that will forever change them, harden them, and quite possibly be the deciding factor on the direction their lives take. But I believe it is up to us to be the change. We don't have to stay there. And I'm convinced that half of the battle is our own attitudes and what we choose to do with our lives. So this got a little off topic... again! lol

The reason I started with this topic is because of my oh so wonderfully and fearfully made little girl. She has a heart of gold!!! She loves me with a passion! She would prefer to be cuddled and loved on for the majority of the day by mommy or daddy. She would protect her brother till the bitter end! She is AMAZING!!! Why then is there a side of insecurity that breaks my heart. Does it have to do with her time in her birth mothers womb? Us taking her away from her security at 5 seconds old? Something we have done? I struggle everyday with her attitude, her protection. It can drive me nutty :/ and bring out the fangs! And yet I'm the adult, shes the child. Seriously! And helpful advice would be appreciated:) I would love to have some attitude change for both me and her.

So ya. I don't know if this really made any sense, I write as I speak, and for those of you who know me, you know that I seldom make sense in person either! I guess my mind was just focusing today on making the most of the "good" times in life. Working on the times that make you want to crawl under a freight train. And living the life He intended for us to live. Which I could write an entire new post on.... hummm! Maybe next time :)

For all you mennos - Have a GREAT long weekend!

Ellie's Moment Today

We were at my parents and the kids saw a chipmunk outside. It was quite exciting so they ran in and were telling us about it. They said it was a squirrel but Grandpa was telling them that it was a chipmunk and explaining the color difference between them. Ellie, sitting on Grandpas lap and listening intently looks up and says "You look like a chipmunk!" Grandpa says "I do?" Ellie "Yes. Cause youa face is bwoun and yoa haiw is white! Oh and yoa teeth aw white too!" Well, that was exactly how he explained them :)
Oh we laughed, such a goof!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Simple Moments

I was about 8 years old when we were visiting at cousins of mine. We lived 14 hours away, and I always looked forward to coming here. Although it was so far north, it seemed it was always warmer here than where we lived, probably because we lived in the "windy city". It was a Sunday afternoon and there was still snow on the ground, but it was so bright and fun, playing for hours on their acreage. I clearly remember my cousin saying to me, "of course its warm, its always nice on Sundays!" From there I grew up with almost a certainty that God would warm the week on Sundays. Well, its been warm here all week, but again today on Sunday. It was a wonderful day. Today we spent the majority of the day at friends, sitting in the sunshine while the children played around us. God has given me so many close relationships and I am forever greatful for the wonderful people He has placed in my life. Not everyone can say this. I am truly blessed!

Anyway, after a fun filled, lazy day, we headed home with very tired children. Jake got Ellie to sleep right away while Kobe played in the tub. After I got him out he had to do a treatment for his asthma. He asked for his blanket and I snuggled him while the loud brumm of the nebulizer drowned out the busy activities of the day. I asked him if he wanted to sing with me. He asked if we could sing Blessed Be The Name of The Lord. For those of you who don't know, this song means the world to me. It was my one of my sisters favorite songs, and I song I have sometimes forced from my lips, either because my tears have taken over or I haven't felt like giving Him that praise at certain times. Pathetic, I know, after all He does for me.... He gives and takes away, and sometimes I need to choose to still say "blessed be the name of the Lord!" It was such a wonderful way to end our day and a reminder to take the time with each child and have these moments. We sang about 4 songs together and I watched him with such pride and joy. Sometimes my heart is overwhelmed. This was one of those times!

Simple moments that make my world.....

Sunday, May 22, 2011

By Faith

Lately I feel a heavy something on my heart. I cannot pin point it. There is no exact reason, just heavy. Sometimes heavy in a good way, sometimes not. Some things are little, some are not. I don't like this feeling, the Melanie I'm comfortable with is content. So much pain and sufferings surround this globe and its hard to believe that God is in control at all times. I don't use that last line lightly. What I mean is I don't believe that any of the pain on this earth is wanted by Christ, nor does He find delight in it. I have come to realize that due to our sinful, fallen world, God allows these things to happen, and I believe that one day it will be set right, but in the meantime, I don't actually really understand it, but have faith to believe it. Then I am reminded that the purpose for me, my being here, is to be His hands and His feet, lead by His Holy Spirit. Wow, what a responsibility, one I fail miserably at daily, and one that I often feel uncomfortable with. But why? With all the hype about the world ending on May 21st, (don't worry, I laughed at them too), but I have to say I wouldn't have minded if it had! Imagining the sound of the trumpet, the beauty that no eye has seen of Jesus coming down, Bobbi waiting for me to join her. I can't think of a more perfect moment....

I think I'm rambling again.

Faithfulness. A perfect Christ, a true God, one who's promises are for me and you. One without fail. One without sin. One with me in mind. Todays message spoke so clearly to me. All these uncertainties of life can be given to Him who sits upon the throne, and He can heal a heavy heart, even if I have to give it to Him daily and I just praise You Jesus for that!!!

Happy Sunday everyone and whatever you're dealing with, whatever burdens or victory's you feel, Jesus cares so deeply, just hand it over:)

For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. 1 John 5:4

Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Mom

If you have a mom, there is nowhere you are likely to go where a prayer has not already been. - Robert Brault

This quote holds true for my mom. I have always known and felt her prayers carrying me, and what an amazing gift that is. My mom is a tiny lady. Sometimes I cannot believe she is still standing with the amount of weight she has had to carry. This is the second Mothers Day where she has not heard her youngest child's voice, thanking her for all that she had done and expressing her love. You see, my sister is in Heaven now, and for anyone who has lived this deep valley you realize that the meaning of holidays and joy change. God has made a way, where there seemed to be no way, and through Him my mom is still standing, sometimes tall and sometimes barely. But no matter what, she holds on with a passion you only have when you are put in a situation that gives you no other option. Jesus has held her and our family, and so often I wish I could be to her what she most often is to me. I love you Mom, from here to Heaven and thank Jesus everyday for the road He has made that leads to eternity... together forever, our whole family.

Mothers day means many different things to different people. I believe it was meant to be a day set aside to honor our Mothers, taking time to thank them and be with them. And that is a wonderful thing. But I can't help but think of my two beautiful children, and the two amazing women who gave life to them. How do they feel today when all around them people are happily celebrating and maybe deep down inside, few know their hurt. Many don't understand, and most don't even try. I wish I could tell them how much I love them, how much I pray for them, how much I hurt for them, and how I long to hug them and thank them. Along with my first paragraph the words of "There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears" come rushing into my mind and I sing that with hope, faith and a longing for my heart to never hurt again. Without these two courageous women, Jake and I would not be parents, and I too would hurt so deeply, especially on this day we set aside for Mothers. This brings me to my next point. So many people want nothing more than to be a Mom. They would give everything and anything to hold a child in their arms, call them their very own, and love them with a passion that sometimes we as Mothers forget to. This day is nothing but a reminder to them that they are not a mommy, and that is not easy on a normal day. Jesus, please hold them.

Also there are so many who have lost their Moms. They long to tell their moms how they are missed and long to see them, touch them, hold them again. This is not an easy day for them and my heart hurts thinking of them. I am so very thankful that I have my mom in my life, and I can't imagine my life without her, but I can't imagine my life without my sister either and yet somehow.....

I'm sure there are many other things we could think about on this special day but this is what was on my heart today. I am so thankful today to say that I have two children that could not be more our own. They bring so much joy and love. They bring me to my knees in frustration and tears. They bring me to Jesus in their words and actions and child faith. They show me often that without Him this parenting thing would be next to impossible. They make me smile, they make me cry, but they always make me thankful. God entrusted us with these two beautiful souls. Wow! I pray I will do what He has called me to do, and always strive be what I need to be as their Mother. Just like my Mom is to me, and that's a lot to live up to :)

My little girl's not so nice one liner of the day

Driving their bikes, my nephew got ahead of her and she says to him "idiot!" (I have no idea where she has learned that word!!! Oh wait.... maybe once I had road rage??) Anyway, she is promptly told not to say that. Her response-"Sometimes I say that to boys!"

Oh the joys:) Goodnight!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Isn't it interesting how humans want control over their lives, and think they sort of know whats coming and whats going and yet time and time again, are proven different? Ya, God reminded me again this week who's in control of my life, and luckily its not me. Although there are many situations in my life where I'd have rather made the final decision, I'm thankful that in this sin filled world, God has made a way for me.

Wednesday evening through Friday evening were spent in a hospital with my sick husband, at a town 4 hours south of home. Fun right? Well actually, while spending some time alone with my thoughts, without the interruptions of my children, I actually had some good God & husband time! This was of course after Jake started feeling better. There were so many things I could have been doing at home, but besides spending time with the kids, everything else waited patiently for our return.

I spent some time with a lady who was sick, scared and alone. I felt so bad for her but enjoyed listening to her. I prayed for her, and am still. I really had to stop and be so very thankful for family, friends, and the rich heritage I come from. God gave me a life that is so blessed, and yet my heart is often discontent. After spending some time with her, I learned that she possibly has Crohns, and obviously that alone brought many thoughts. So yes, I also spent a lot of time in thoughts of my sister, who I miss with everything in me, but it also, like so many times before, let me wonder at being with her again. And those are my happier thoughts.

So having two days to sit around also made me miss my kids. Normally when I leave them, its because we have something planned where we're busy and having fun, and usually I enjoy this break from parenting. But it got me to thinking about how much of their lives I miss, not from being away, but from getting caught up in the busyness of my life and the selfishness in me. Now that thought alone could take up many pages, but I won't. I just need to figure out my priorities and live them. Again, making me realize that I can't do this alone.

Thankfully we brought Jake in before his infection got any worse. Hes on the up and up and we praise Jesus for this. Our children were so worried about their daddy, asking if he had needles and probably connecting this to when their Auntie got sick. In their young minds this was probably a lot scarier for them then we realized. This made me think of how careful one has to be when explaining things to kids. Not giving quick, uniformed answers but making sure they understand to their ability what is going on around them.

So this is a glimpse into my mind.... lucky you!

Sweet Kid Moment of The Day

The ending of Kobe's prayer tonight, after praying for Justin and Lynden of course!

"and please take away all the bees, Amen!"

Yes I followed that with a big Amen also, but I guess in the morning I'll have to explain again that this prayer may not be answered during this lifetime! Oh, and Ellie started taking off with her bike, without the training wheels. She was so pumped to do this by herself. Goodbye babies, hello juniors!!! Love them:)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sundays Coming

We see in that cross a love so amazing so divine that it loves us even when we turn away from it, or spurn it, or crucify it. There is no faith in Jesus without understanding that on the cross we see into the heart of God and find it filled with mercy for the sinner whoever he or she may be.
Robert G. Trache
Which brings us to Sunday:) What a miracle to know this, and what a humbling feeling to accept this. He died, He rose, He's coming for me, and all I have to do is believe? I have the privilege to love Him, and for that I am ever thankful. It sounds so very simple.... because it is, and I think that is also what so often makes it hard to accept. On Sunday He rose from the dead. One day He's coming, what a glorious day!

On a lighter note, during communion on Friday, Kobe swiped a piece of bread before we could stop him. I didn't quite know what to do so I leaned over and asked him if he knew what the bread was for. Oh yes he knew! Rubbing his arm he said "so he can make all my blood white as snow!" Well dear boy, you'll never be white as snow, and I hope I'm not either, but he didn't mean it as in his skin colour. Although I will make a conscious effort to not sing that song ever again;) He knew what he was talking about, as well as a 5 year old understands, and it warmed my heart so. He was so excited to take part and I hope his excitement for Jesus continues and grows his entire life. What an honor to be his mommy:)

Well, I should head to bed, big day of holiday traditions tomorrow, and big day of thanking my Jesus for the promise. The promise of eternity with Him, the promise of being reunited with my sister, the promise of love.
Praise the Lord, Oh my soul, Praise the Lord......

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My First Post

Well, I guess I have now started my blog. I hope it continues. I am not a writer, nor a speller, but I am a mother of 2 little children which may provide some entertainment making this blog somewhat interesting at times. Enjoy my predictable and at times boring life:)

So today started last night...... what? Yes, with vomit and gagging coming from the bedroom. My heart always breaks for my children when they're sick. To be completely honest, I have a lot more patience for my children when they're sick. After I bathed and rocked my little boy after everything was cleaned up (thanx to my amazing husband) and then finally went to bed. But not long after, me and my girl were also not feeling well so I haven't slept much, hence our day starting last night:) But thanx to Jesus caring, my wonderful momma, and an awesome Dr, we are now on meds that should kick in sometime before the start of Easter celebrations tomorrow! Oh, did I mention that sometime in between this all, we took our puppy to get fixed and we all felt really really bad for him too. He seems to be doing fine so that is a relief! So that was our day, and although it wasn't what I had in mind, it was a blessing to spend "love time" with our boy, then later with our girl, and still some with our puppy. So very much to be thankful for and trying to see the positive in every moment is really good for me:)

But as I think of this, I think of what Jesus' day was like the day before "Good Friday". Words can not be used to describe what He went through in preperation for this day. Sweating blood, asking His Father to take this cup from Him, Exhausted from sorrow (Luke 22) aware of what was to come. For me? For you? Yes! What can I do but praise Him and give Him my heart, on this day of remembering, and everyday until I walk in His Heavenly presence....thank you my friend!!!

So for anyone who bothers to read this, my prayer tonight for you & I is that we will see past the holiday fun and take a deep look into His word and turn our eyes to Him.
